ps | |
링크 |… |
출처 | 프로그래머스 |
문제 번호 | 87694 |
문제명 | 아이템 줍기 |
레벨 | Level 3 |
분류 |
구현 |
시간복잡도 | O((x+y)*n^2) |
인풋사이즈 | x<=50, y<=50, n<=4 |
사용한 언어 | Python |
해결날짜 | 2021/10/18 |
"""Solution code for "Programmers 87694. 아이템 줍기".
- Problem link:
- Solution link:
import itertools
def is_movable(cur_x, cur_y, next_x, next_y, rectangles):
x, y = (cur_x + next_x) / 2, (cur_y + next_y) / 2
is_on_any_border = any(
(x in (x1, x2) and y1 <= y <= y2) or (y in (y1, y2) and x1 <= x <= x2)
for x1, y1, x2, y2 in rectangles)
is_inside_any_rect = any(
x1 < x < x2 and y1 < y < y2 for x1, y1, x2, y2 in rectangles)
return is_on_any_border and not is_inside_any_rect
def solution(rectangle, characterX, characterY, itemX, itemY):
cur_pos = (characterX, characterY)
prev_pos = None
for dist in itertools.count():
if cur_pos == (characterX, characterY) and prev_pos:
perimeter = dist
elif cur_pos == (itemX, itemY):
dist_to_item = dist
for dx, dy in ((1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)):
next_pos = (cur_pos[0] + dx, cur_pos[1] + dy)
if next_pos != prev_pos and is_movable(*cur_pos, *next_pos,
prev_pos, cur_pos = cur_pos, next_pos
return min(dist_to_item, perimeter - dist_to_item)